Experience gained in over fifty years as an investigator is often seen as incidental briefs and side stories in my novels.
Scammers, Runners, Killers. It's all in a days work!
Irrevant and unpredictable P.I. Mike Roth's Adventures, while fictionalized, are based on composites of events and actual assignments handled around the globe.
In every Mike Roth thriller, a different geographical setting serves as the field of action.
Latest Book
The Reluctant Tycoon
If you've never studied the skeletal system, or haven't been thumped around by a chiropractor, you probably aren't aware of how easy it is to break a person’s neck. Separate the flexible C1 from the inflexible C2 vertebrae, and there you have it. Easier than Alan had imagined, despite having wrestled in high school. He wasn’t prepared for his wife’s delicate neck. Snap!
Oriental Salt brings you breathtaking discoveries of the Orient in the explosive 20th Century, from mythical, mystical China in the 1930s to the nightmare of World War Two's unmerciful combatants, cursed espionage agents, innocent young love driven to desperate measures, scheming harlots in Asia's boundless bordellos into modern day greedy machinations.
Latest Book
Tales of the Inscruable
Oriental Salt 3
It’s the Old Salt talking here. When I returned to Thailand after my trip around the States–very likely my last given my old bones–I started this and another volume of remembrances.
Anyhow, I've decided that with many of my old cronies kicking off, there was little reason for those damn endless flights across the Pacific.